Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Clean Water Act 303(d) Impairments & Olympic Assessment

Clean Water Act 303(d) Impairments (


Works Cited
"Olympic National Park Statistics." National Park Service. 28 Feb. 2013. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
"Washington Facts." National Geographic. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
"The Park Ranger and the Museum Curator." Library of Economics and Liberty. 21 Nov. 2010. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
"公共電視台 新聞網." 公視新聞網. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
"奧林匹克國家公園." - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <奧林匹克國家公園>.
Dale, Cameron, and Sam Greenberg. "Human Impact - Hoh Rainforest." Hoh Rainforest. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
Maynes, Barb. "Visitors Cautioned to Keep at Least 100 Feet Away From Hoh Rain Forest Elk and Other Park Wildlife." National Parks Service. National Parks Service, June-July 2010. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
"Hohrainforest - Human Impact." Hohrainforest - Human Impact. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. < Impact>.
"Inforain Map Archive: Status of the Coastal Temperate Rain Forest, 1995." Inforain Map Archive: Status of the Coastal Temperate Rain Forest, 1995. Pacific GIS, 1 Jan. 1995. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
"Inforain Map Archive: Coastal Temperate Rain Forest, Original Distribution." Inforain Map Archive: Coastal Temperate Rain Forest, Original Distribution. Pacific GIS, 1 Jan. 1995. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
"Olympic National Park 3-minute Tour." YouTube. YouTube, 30 Apr. 2013. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
"Visiting the Hoh Rain Forest." National Park Service. 22 Nov. 2013. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
McKee, Arthur, George LaRoi,, and Jerry F. Franklin. Structure, Composition, and Reproductive Behavior of Terrace Forests, South Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park. Tech. Print.
Fonda, R. W. "Forest Succession in Relation to River Terrace Development in Olympic National Park, Washington." Ecology 5th ser. 55 (1974). JSTOR. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
"Places." National Parks Service. National Parks Service, 22 Nov. 2013. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
Hamilton, John. Olympic National Park. Edina, MN: ABDO Pub., 2009. Print.
"Park History." Olympic National Park & Forest History. 2013. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
Evergreen Escapes. Evergreen Escapes. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
Evergreen Escapes. Evergreen Escapes. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
Explore Olympics. Explore Olympics. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. <>.
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Status of the Coastal Temperate Rain Forest


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Improving Human Impacts on the Temperate Rainforests

In order to improve human impact on the rainforests in Washington, individuals and surrounding communities must begin to support the overall well-being of the ecosystem. By educating people about the significance of the rainforest, the public will feel the need to protect the rainforest. Within the lands, visitors should be conscious of others’ behavior on rainforest. As encountering visitors throw trash behind or develop new hiking trails, we share responsibility to address these behaviors right away. 

Secondly, we should pay more attention on underlying threats of the rainforest outside the lands. For example, the federal government should increase the severity and number of regulations and sanctions on deforestation in hopes of weaken global warming’s affect on the rainforest and preventing automotive pollution from further contaminating the rainforest.
Thirdly, restricting the distance between visitors and animals within the lands is necessary. Since animals are an essential part of the rainforest, as visitors recklessly feeding the animals, this behavior itself not only threatens visitors’ safety, but also increases possibilities of introducing illness to animals, which might destroy the food chain in the ecosystem.
Finally, Olympic National Park should dispatch scientific experts to supervise the rainforest regularly and, according to the scientific reports, establish adjustment programs to maintain or improve the ecological health.
Based on the suggestions above, the existing problems can be mitigated and the rainforest can be enjoyed by future generations for the near unlimited recreational access the national park offers. 
(4) 最后应该派遣固定科技人员定期对雨林进行监测,并且根据鉴定结果,给出继续保持原样或对于全球环境问题所给出的调整法案。


Future Prospects for the Olympic NP

The current conservation status of rainforest on Olympic Peninsula in Washington is very good. As the federal government has reserved parts of this park as a wilderness area, deforestation and hunting have been significantly reduced and human disturbance has been minimized as the previous post describes. 
Lake Crescent (

However, within these years, the temperate rainforest has encountered new challenges. If these problems persist, the rainforest people have enjoyed in the past may not be around for future generations. Under the threat of hunters, deforestation, water pollution, air pollution, and climate change the future for the Olympic National Park looks bleak if nothing is done to curb the increase in threats. Even though the government has developed numerous measures to protect the rainforest, global environmental problems remain prevalent.

Current Human Impacts on the Olympic Temperate Rainforests

In order to protect the rainforest from which the future generation will be able to enjoy the benefits, in 1938, Olympic National Park was formally founded in Washington. With the establishment, the government strictly prohibited the deforestation and restricted the hunting within the land, which reduced the disturbance from human beings. Using the most scientific method to preserve rainforest on Olympic Peninsula in Washington, the Olympic National Park provided the fauna and flora in rainforest with more comfortable habitat and coordinated development between human beings and nature.

Hoh Rainforest (
As of today, human impact has been minimal and the rainforest is in 'good' condition. Park rangers, after obtaining knowledge about the rainforests, have transitioned from supporting and protecting the ecosystem to managing humans, alleviating human influence on the temperate rainforests. In addition, there is only one main road available for vehicles to access the rainforests. To maintain close contact with rainforest, visitors have had to use hiking and back-country trails.

Although numerous measures were rigorously administered, especially within these three years, humans have started to adversely affect the rainforest in Washington. More visitors have been attracted to the area and as a result more trash has been left behind, contributing to basal pollution. Moreover, some visitors developed their own hiking trails instead of using the original walking trails. In addition, studies have been conducted on the adverse effects of deforestation on the environment. Things like the impact of removing rotting logs from the forest floor or studies on forest succession in relation with river terraces all relate back to deforestation and the successive negative impacts the process develops down the line. 
Deforestation near Lake Quinault (

Besides negative human impact within the lands, right outside of the park, mass deforestation has been occurring. Western Hemlock and Douglas-fir are the main staple for Washington's timber industry: both of which grow naturally on the peninsula. Large plots of land have been clear cut to feed the lucrative industry, unfortunately destroying old-growth forests and the natural landscape. Of course, as these trees are cut down, erosion and water pollution have now become an issue. 

认为得益于合理的人管理方法,近年里,人做到了以最原始的方式呈雨林,并且于奥林匹克国家公园中雨林的影响是微乎其微的。例如在雨林中有着名为park ranger的管理人员,他们出于好奇,选择更加深入的了解雨林。在充分了解完后,将得到的知识运用于管理人类对于雨林的干扰而非管理雨林本身便减少了人类对于雨林的生态破坏。并且在整个奥林匹克国家公园境内,只有一条供汽车行驶的主干道路。为了更好的接触雨林,人们只能选择通过园内的步行道去近距离地观赏这自然界的珍宝。


Video: Olympic National Park Tour

Historical State of the Temperate Rainforests in the Olympic National Park

Northern Spotted Owl (
Established as a national forest reserve in 1897 by President Cleveland and as a national park in 1938 by President Roosevelt, the Olympic National Park and its 922,000 acres has remained almost virtually untouched. In 1981, 43 years after its conception and 481 years after its first inhabitants started living on the peninsula, the park was named a World Heritage Site due to the  "tremendous natural diversity and exceptional natural beauty that are well-conserved" ( and later as an international biosphere reserve. Even today it is known for being "the best example of intact and protected temperate rainforest in the Pacific Northwest"  ( The park is home to four very different biomes-coastline, alpine, temperate rainforest, and temperate dry forest- and 11 large river systems, a large number of endemic species, and one of the longest undeveloped coastlines in the lower United States. 

Orographic Precipitation (
In particular, the Olympic rainforests develop on the western side of Mt. Olympus due to the effect of orographic precipitation. There are two main rainforests: the Hoh and Quinault Rain Forests. Thousands of years ago, the peninsula was surrounded by glaciers. Free from ice, the area became a haven for animals thereby producing the many hundreds of endemic species found in the park such as the Northern Spotted Owl, the Marbled Murrelet, and the Bull Trout. 
Marbled Murrelet (

Historically, coniferous trees like Sitka Spruce, Douglas-fir, Western Redcedar, and Western Hemlock covered the area with epiphytes like moss and lichens hanging from the trees. On an annual basis, the temperate rainforests receive around 150 inches of rain. Those coniferous trees have become part of the 366,000 acres of old-growth forests that exist on the peninsula today. The only inhabitants of the peninsula remained Native Americans until European settlers came and began settling the land. Overall, the Olympic temperate rainforests looked and appeared exactly like the prehistoric land dinosaurs roamed and it has remained pretty much so until even today. 

List of Endemic species:
Olympic marmot - Marmota olympus
  Olympic yellow-pine chipmunk - Tamias amoenus caurinus
Olympic snow mole - Scapanus townsedii olympicus
Olympic Masama pocket gopher - Thomomys mazama melanops
Olympic ermine - Mustela erminea olympica

Olympic torrent salamander - Rhyacotriton olympicus

Olympic mudminnow - Novumbra hubbsi

Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths)
  Hulbirt's skipper - Hesperia comma olympica

Orthoptera (grasshoppers)
  Olympic grasshopper - Nisquallia olympica

Coleoptera (beetles)
  Mann's gazzelle beetle - Nebria danmanni
Quileute gazelle beetle - Nebri acuta quileute
Tiger beetle - Cicindela bellissima frechini

  Arionid slug - Hemphllia dromedarius
Arionid jumping slug - Hemphillia burringtoni


Current Photos

Dosewallips Fire Road (
Pacific Coast (
Hoh Rainforest (
Hurricane Ridge (
Temperate Rainforest (
Pacific Coast (
Elwha River (

Historic Photos

Green Mtn Fire Staff (
Quilcene Civilian Conservation Corps (
Dosewallips Fire Road (
Helicopter to Jefferson Lookout 1960 (

The Olympic Peninsula

Topography of the Olympic Peninsula (
Washington State (
Olympic National Park (